Water filtration systems offer a lot of value, enhancing water quality and safety for use in your Florida home. Water filtration systems range from whole-home filtration, to individual faucet filters.
But how can you choose the best water filtration system for your needs?
Assess Your Use Case
Why is it that you are interested in a water filtration system in the first place? This important question can reveal the information needed to help you find the ideal system for your home.
For example, do you intend to drink the water? If so, a filtration system designed to improve the flavor, aroma, and safety of your water may be a primary concern.
On the other hand, perhaps you are sick and tired of lime and mineral buildup in your shower, and/or streaks on your dishes. In this case, a whole-home system may be the best option to remove excessive minerals.
These days, every dollar has to count. Once you have a budget in mind, focus in on those aspects most important to you and your family, and weight the benefit and cost of a whole home vs ‘per appliance’ systems.
Have Your Water Tested
Having your water tested will reveal a lot about what aspects could be improved. From chlorine to heavy metals and calcium, you’ll know exactly what type of filtration system you need to achieve your goals.