Best Ways to Select a New Faucet

Published on: June 30, 2021

When choosing a faucet the options can be a bit daunting. In reality, you can select a great faucet by making just a few key decisions.

Budget: Know what you’re working with before you go shopping. This can help you trim down options and make you more comfortable with your final decision.

Style: Faucets are available in a wide range of styles, from single handle to two handle options and even smart faucets that activate with hand or voice motions. Think about what is important to YOU from a usability and convenience standpoint.

Design: Will the design fit with the rest of your kitchen or bathroom? In what ways can an updated faucet elevate the feel of the space? Is your bathroom modern, traditional/classic, warm and soothing, or bright and vibrant?

Brand: Going with a name brand with a good warranty can help ensure your new faucet is backed by years of reputation and a solid build that will perform and last for decades.

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