Why Is My Sink Slow to Drain?

Published on: December 28, 2022

Why Is My Sink Slow to Drain?

If you’ve had problems with a slow-draining sink, you’re not alone. It’s a common home plumbing repair in Brevard County, and it’s actually a relatively simple problem to diagnose and remedy.

Slow-draining sinks usually have one or more clogged or partially clogged pipes. That’s the most common cause, but there are other potential causes as well. In any case, it’s important to take action quickly to prevent a major plumbing problem or flooding.

Clogs can come from an accumulation of debris in the pipes, including things like hair, food particles, grease, soap, and sludge. These clogs can occur over time, particularly if the sink isn’t cleared after each use. For sinks that aren’t emptied regularly, the clog can build up and become harder to remove.

Other culprits could include bent pipes, worn pipe seals, and slow water entering the drain. A bent pipe can reduce the amount of water flowing, while worn pipe seals can allow air to escape from the pipe, which in turn can slow down the water’s speed as it travels. Similarly, a slow water entering the drain can create a backlog of water, further slowing down the drain.

In conclusion, a slow-draining sink can be caused by a variety of things, including clogs, pipe bends, worn seals, and slow water entering the drain. Fortunately, there are some relatively simple DIY fixes that can be done, including running hot water, using a plunger, and regular cleaning to avoid clogging. If none of these efforts work, be sure to call a plumber to avoid a bigger problem.

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